Having a child is a fulfilling and demanding task. Parents wait anxiously for the newborn and prepare for it every day throughout the pregnancy. The joy of having a baby is tremendous but that's when some women fall prey to postpartum depression. One in every four women is likely to suffer from postpartum depression.
Some men too suffer from postpartum depression though there percentage is very low.
Postpartum depression usually sets in when the mother (or father) is not even aware that such a condition could exist particularly when they are so thrilled to have a baby. Most mothers report that depression set in suddenly a few days after giving birth. At first, most mothers didn't even realize what was happening. They just felt dull, unable to get out of bed and ready to cry at the slightest of provocation. Most new mothers suffering from postpartum depression said they were overcome with feelings of inefficiency and inability at coping with motherhood.
Symptoms of postpartum depression (PPD) could include anxiousness, frustration, constant sadness, bouts of uncontrolled crying, refusal to get out of bed, difficulty in eating or sleeping, etc. PPD could also include other psychological problems relating to depression. These symptoms might last for months or even years in some cases.
Doctors suggest several options to cure postpartum depression. But drugs do not really work to give permanent relief. Studies show that 93 percent of patients who took drugs as part of conventional treatment for PPD are benefited only temporarily. Traditional methods of PPD treatment with drugs give relief for a short time. The symptoms might return – with greater severity in some cases – once the drugs are discontinued.
Most doctors would tell you there is no cure for postpartum depression and all they could help you with is anti-depressants! Some doctors resort to muscle relaxants and suggest you see a psychiatrist if your condition does not improve.
Conventional methods of treatment for PPD would also include psychiatric help. All this would not only take a long period of time but might just prove to be an unnecessary waste of time and money. Eventually, the patient might end up with heightened depression – even worse than before.
A non-conventional natural cure is more likely to help you eliminate your sadness and feelings of hopelessness – permanently at that. A natural cure works by tackling the postpartum depression in a holistic manner. Drugs are limited in scope. Drugs could also have long-term negative effects on the mother who is breastfeeding. Alternatively, even just changing your diet or visiting a psychiatrist is not enough. A natural cure that combines changes in diet, self-control, personal effort along with the intake of proven natural remedies could work as a wonder cure for anyone suffering from postpartum depression.
A herbal cure coupled with nutrition would give you a new life getting rid of postpartum depression forever. That's a way more healthier option than trying drugs. You could even prevent postpartum depression by being prepared to handle it the natural way even before your baby is born.
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